Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Why I love dragons

You're probably thinking this is so sad, someone is writing a blog on dragons. But think for a moment. 
Dragons are magnificent. 
Huge, scaly beasts which some believe can breathe fire. No wonder they are not real. Imagine what havoc dragons would cause, anyway us humans don't need any help destroying the Earth. We're great at doing that, by ourselves. 
But back on topic, just think what it would be like to have your very own dragon as a pet! No more bullying problems or anything like that. 
Unfortunately for us though, dragons are only a myth. But I do believe, and have thought this for a long time, that the world would be a better place if it was graced with the presence of dragons. 
I hope you will continue to read this blog.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Hi joshua it's thesweetreview here: you know, person from your school who might be your friend?! Anyway, whenever I comment on people's sites I use the name thesweetreview because:
    1. It's cool (not)
    2. It's the address of my site
    and 3. I don't really like saying my name, it feels weird. So yeah.
    I really like your site, carry on doing it because I'm sure people will follow you and comment. I will put a link of your site on my site now. Bye!
    Thesweetreview (people out there who don't know me it's thesweetreview.com) xx

    1. Thanks thesweetreview. I will carry on.

    2. I hope I get some followers too.

  2. Hi, it's The Weird District. I put a link to your website, except I put it as jdragons.blogspot.com so I'm going to have to change it. Also, I'm the girl you never saw....don't worry you have seen me, it's thesweetreview's best friend and my name begins with an S and I sit behind you in geography!!!! Update your website, can't wait to see what you post up. Are you going to do that 30 day programme thing about how to look after you Dragon? Anyway, this is The Weird District over and out!!!! :)

  3. Hi The Weird District. I know who you are by the way.
    I will probably do the 30 day dragon care programme, so thanks for reminding me.

