Thursday, 28 August 2014

Day 28: Bodyguard

Hello everyone. 
Once again I apologise for missing a day.
One of the final pieces of advise I am going to give you is, care for your dragon.
If you achieve this you will have a bodyguard who will fly and protect you if you are ever in danger, ever!
So love your dragon and it will love you back!
That's all for today! 
Come back tomorrow for day 29!

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Day 26: More of the same

Hello everyone.
Sorry again for missing days.
We are nearing the end of the 30 day guide so just keep up the good work and as your dragon grows, give it more food and continue developing a close bond with it.
Dragons are as loyal as dogs, so if you treat yours right you will end up with a best friend.
Come back tomorrow for day 27! 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Day 14: Keep up the good work

Hello everyone.
Sorry again for missing another day.
Today's instructions apply to yesterday.
Regular food and exercise for your dragon is all that is required for the next few days.
Fetch or other dogs games are a good idea to play with your dragon, but are not a necessity.
That's all for today!
Come back tomorrow for day 15. 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Day 12: Exercise

Hello everyone.
Sorry again for skipping days. 
The instructions for the days I've missed are feeding your dragon. 
Experiment with different foods as different dragons like, and need to eat, different things.
Anyway, young dragons need exercise so today's instructions are exercise your dragon. 
Open the door and your dragon will rush out and run around, but don't worry, you have already established a bond with it so it will never leave you. 
Make sure you let your dragon out at least three times a day.
If you do this your dragon will remain healthy as it grows. 
Come back tomorrow for day 13.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Day 7: Hatching

Hello everyone.
I am so sorry I have not posted days 4, 5 or 6 but I have been enjoying Scotland. 
On those days regular check-ups are all that is additionally needed so don't worry.
Anyway, day 7, hatching.
A dragon egg will hatch after about a week (be prepared for this not to be the case) and hatches in the classic egg-hatching way. 
Cracks form from top to bottom and the egg shell breaks apart. 
I cannot tell you what colour your dragon is or what it looks like, because there are infinite dragon possibilities, but I can guarantee your newborn dragon will be ADORABLE!!!
The dragon will be covered in a non-scented, clear, sticky liquid at first but that will evaporate soon enough.
To speed up this process and insure your baby dragon doesn't die with cold, you should give it an appropriate sized pet bed to lie on in the heated place where it hatched. 
More often than not a dragon will sleep straight away, but be prepared for some screeches and rushing around.
Leave the dragon to sleep and prepare for a busy day tomorrow.
P.S. A dragon can be anything from the earliest bird you ever knew to the sleepiest teenager that ever walked the earth!

Come back tomorrow for day 8!

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Day 3: Medical check

Hello everyone.
Sorry I didn't manage to write day 2: I'm on holiday in Scotland, but if I had I would have said pretty much the same as I did in day 1's post. 
But anyway, on day 3 you should check the egg's temperature and ppm (pulses per minute). 
The temperature of the dragon egg should be between 60 and 100 degrees Celsius and the ppm should be between 40 and 60.
Remember to keep the egg in a heated environment.
That's all for day 3.
Come back for day 4 tomorrow!

Friday, 1 August 2014

Day 1: Incubation

Hello everyone.
This is day one of my 'How to look after a baby dragon' 30 day guide.

Dragons, like most other winged creatures, hatch out of a eggs.
A dragon egg is covered with a pattern that is identical to the pattern on the scales of the dragon inside.
Dragon eggs are larger than the average sized human head and radiate a warm, fuzzy aura.
However an unhealthy dragon egg will be cold and have a grey tint to its otherwise cream-coloured shell.
Because of this, the instructions for day one are find a constantly warm area, and place your dragon egg on a pedestal here. 
The best place is beside a smouldering log fire.

Come back tomorrow for day two of the guide!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Make Believe

Hi everyone! I love this song by The Burned! They've got a dragon-like name and this song makes me think deeply about a lot of deep stuff, sometimes dragons. Hope you like it too!

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Hey everyone! 
My dog, Bernie, has a dragon like name (its got burn in it), and curls up like a dragon when he sleeps. Although he doesn't look too much like a dragon, as his tail isn't long enough to curl round him, and he doesn't choose to even try curling it round him.
Anyway this was just a short comparison between my dog and a dragon.


Sunday, 16 March 2014

Dragon on Sword

Hey, everyone.
Today I bought a small figurine of a dragon on a sword on a rock! I immediately wanted one when I saw it as my name is JoshDragonSword! Anyway, there was a choice of three colours, orange, green, or blue. My favourite colour being blue, I chose the blue dragon, despite the green and orange dragons looking cooler and having better sword designs. Now, because of its imperfect features, I named it Jaggers (also because I'm reading Great Expectations). Anyway, Jaggers has pride of place in my room, and I am very happy. 



Hey everyone.
You are probably very familiar with the fact that my name is JoshDragonSword. Today I'm going to tell you how that came to be my name.
A few years ago I tried to play an online game. It was required to create a name out of three words, and the first selection of words were names so I chose mine, Josh. Next I had to choose from an array of cool words, so I chose Dragon when it cam up. Finally similar words, that were all nouns, were the choices in the third group and I tried many words. Fire, was one of my selections I remember, but the first words I chose were unavailable. Half-heartedly I chose Sword and I was surprised when it was available. 
Anyway, I played the game for a while afterwards and got used to the name, even grew to like it. So from then on, to prevent my own confusion, I kept the name, and have never used another, unless I have to, since!



Hey everyone. Here is a link to another one of my favourite sites!
The creator is a great writer. 
No more needs to be said really. 
So just check it out, and enjoy.


Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Hey everyone! Here is a link to one of my favourite websites. Check it out! 
It's a great site, especially if you are a kid looking for a book to read! 
As you can guess, it is a sight containing book reviews, great book reviews. 
I personally know the creator of the site, and she has a hidden talent for writing book reviews, and would one day like to be an author.
Yes, she is a bookworm.
Anyway, have fun on the site.


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Why I love dragons

You're probably thinking this is so sad, someone is writing a blog on dragons. But think for a moment. 
Dragons are magnificent. 
Huge, scaly beasts which some believe can breathe fire. No wonder they are not real. Imagine what havoc dragons would cause, anyway us humans don't need any help destroying the Earth. We're great at doing that, by ourselves. 
But back on topic, just think what it would be like to have your very own dragon as a pet! No more bullying problems or anything like that. 
Unfortunately for us though, dragons are only a myth. But I do believe, and have thought this for a long time, that the world would be a better place if it was graced with the presence of dragons. 
I hope you will continue to read this blog.

Thanks for reading.
