Thursday 7 August 2014

Day 7: Hatching

Hello everyone.
I am so sorry I have not posted days 4, 5 or 6 but I have been enjoying Scotland. 
On those days regular check-ups are all that is additionally needed so don't worry.
Anyway, day 7, hatching.
A dragon egg will hatch after about a week (be prepared for this not to be the case) and hatches in the classic egg-hatching way. 
Cracks form from top to bottom and the egg shell breaks apart. 
I cannot tell you what colour your dragon is or what it looks like, because there are infinite dragon possibilities, but I can guarantee your newborn dragon will be ADORABLE!!!
The dragon will be covered in a non-scented, clear, sticky liquid at first but that will evaporate soon enough.
To speed up this process and insure your baby dragon doesn't die with cold, you should give it an appropriate sized pet bed to lie on in the heated place where it hatched. 
More often than not a dragon will sleep straight away, but be prepared for some screeches and rushing around.
Leave the dragon to sleep and prepare for a busy day tomorrow.
P.S. A dragon can be anything from the earliest bird you ever knew to the sleepiest teenager that ever walked the earth!

Come back tomorrow for day 8!

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